Thursday, April 22, 2010

is it recording? ok, TAKE 457691!

Mental note: never write a song as complicated to record as Choro Desfeito.

Was only that day, 3rd day recording, that The idea came to life. I consciously decided to start this blog. Last week it was only a timid thought mixed with nostalgia of missing writing my trip blog. I was also waiting my band mates to be more open for this new thing (spare me from "that's what he said" joke, the brazilian version of this joke is way more fun!! =D but unable to be translated) .

Another Sunday fully applied to the art of transduct mechanical waves into physical media. Four hours o Rafael's life, about three or so of mine, and finally two of LBreno's (the index L was an agreement months ago to distinguish the Brenos in the band), totalizing 9 hours of pure fun. Not bad. The most fucked up was BrenoM as he had to manage all the recording tech things for 9 hours in a row, with only a brief lunch break. Nobody said it would be easy, men.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fierce Demo

And then I decided to create my band's blog as a new vehicle to send spam for up to two dozen members of the fan club, including our parents. Isn't that great?

Second day recording the new Demo of Pangaré Valente! - Involutionary band that has no style proposal, political view or role in the protection of my intestinal flora, exception to the cookies at breno's, naturally. In order to explain the objectives and guidelines of this group nothing better than paraphrase another great Brazilian musician, Zumbi do Mato, "I have nothing to do with the evolutionary scale, what I like is to chill holding my genitals." Awesome genius.

Me, Pablo, an active member of the band, came back to Brazil after nearly 4 months traveling US, intending to catch up with the guys after missing the 1st public show that was carry out in a small English pub, The Lord Jim, placed in an unknown area called Ipanema.

Regarding the demo records, they already did several guitars, basses and vocals guide lines, so I managed to record some definitive guitars and bass lines. This name, demo, would be appropriate for any other 7-months-old-band early work, but not in our case, as the quality is getting really really good. That name would only be an indication of the possible band's relation with the cloven foot himself, beelzebub.

And concluding, a bye Pablo coming straight out of the closet and a raised eyebrow from Rafael.